Neither round nor flat, Hong Kong is vertical. It is growing vertically,thrusting up into the sky, and it is only when looking down or up thatyou can see the narrowness of the place. With incommodious streets and units, this city is like constructedwith Tetris blocks. On the other hand, the vitality among it andpeople’s open-mindedness that any trouble can be solved by“cooking you a bowl of noodles”, endows the city with a kind ofbroadness in a sense.
Unlike those meandering pleasures, "eating" is the only kind ofpleasure that doesn’t need to be delayed. In the memory of OFT,there are varied street food like curry fish balls, imitation shark fin soup, egg waffles and so on. They are like thousands of square andround buildings, running into the stomach along with a dense joy,and build another self-satisfied city there.